Sunday, September 21, 2008

龙宝玲 -- 前瑜伽庄销售总经理,兼大马粉红沙发协会常年主席
恶人谷之中第一大贼,见钱眼开,一年多在瑜伽庄掠夺庶民财产,杀人不眨眼,骗钱眼睁睁。由刚刚进入瑜伽庄之后,村庄里就没有好日子过,用尽肮脏手段,挑拨离间,和创办人身边 两大红人,花落虹和泻会慌一起合谋,图谋夺取王位和政权,引民造反,唯恐天下不乱。许多真心忠诚的大将都被这班歪臣逼至退位或问斩,如印度大将Edwin,瑜伽庄因为这颗“天外尅星”的降临,也意味着一代瑜伽王朝灭亡的开始。。。。
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huh? Is she the butch manager at YF, centro? OMG! she's the one who cheated all the money??? Yogurt, any proofs?
HAHA! i saw her at YF centro before, fat fat, dark dark, smelly smelly, and quite noisy, always shout here shout there, quite annoying, did not know what she is doing there. No wonder so big size, cheated so much money, eat until so fat, anyone got her contact, can ask her to pay back? luckily my one year membership almost ended, my friend's lifetime membership is burnt, SO BAD la her..
She's Paullin, her number is 0162383968, for refund, ask her. Thanks.
I can confirm she is a lesbian, always go party with girls! I know her ex-girl friend! She last time work in celebrity fitness la!
I heard that she's phillipino, is it?
Is she the mei mei that TJ was refering to ?
Dear Urban yoghurt, wd be great if u could publish photos of all,thanks.
Well, I don't publish their photos, their photos must be published "somewhere" by "someone", I just capture with my own camera... You know...BLOGGER!
We are have seen TJ's photos in newspaper and everywhere, it's only fair to surface everyone, no hidden rule in my dictionary.
As I mentioned at the very beginning, every single post here comes with evidence, I will publish it "as and when found necessary".
You will see.
This is TJ's house, Paullin Long always go there to have free meal, free beer and free cigarettes, TJ fed them well, and now become pigs!