Friday, October 3, 2008
瑜伽庄七宗罪之“屎作俑者”古城瘟疫来袭 -- 瑜伽烂屎

他们先骗瑜伽庄创办人licensing 费,然后再在大家措手不及之下,在一个风雨平静的早晨,码头的渔船刚刚出航,贼夫妇冷血通告,就贴在大门口说,自己被骗,(见鬼!)上了瑜伽庄的当!然后, 阿伦还说自己九个月 没出粮。鸟人讲鸟话。
RM60大元一个月?算了吧!各位古城会员,其实“最初的就是最好”,古城知名度已经建立起来的Namaste Yoga,已有两间分店,师资一向来不差,会员应该认真考虑应该在哪里学习瑜伽,毕竟这是一门身心灵结合的哲学,一有差错,走火入魔的可能性是非常大的,就像一些前瑜伽庄的老师一样。
一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草绳。没有人想要古城瑜伽庄关门,只是因为阿伦和瘟疫达到了自己想要的,就是500会员人次,然后赖皮不还还欠下的RM50,000 licensing
诅咒别人绝对不是好事,可是陷害设计更是情无可原; 因果,只因如此。
RM60大元一个月?算了吧!各位古城会员,其实“最初的就是最好”,古城知名度已经建立起来的Namaste Yoga,已有两间分店,师资一向来不差,会员应该认真考虑应该在哪里学习瑜伽,毕竟这是一门身心灵结合的哲学,一有差错,走火入魔的可能性是非常大的,就像一些前瑜伽庄的老师一样。
一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草绳。没有人想要古城瑜伽庄关门,只是因为阿伦和瘟疫达到了自己想要的,就是500会员人次,然后赖皮不还还欠下的RM50,000 licensing
诅咒别人绝对不是好事,可是陷害设计更是情无可原; 因果,只因如此。
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Namaste Yoga 在马六甲已有3间分店,非两间。师资的确是不错。最重要的是信用好!老板和老板娘凡事亲力亲为,注重学员身体健康。
Dear anonymous@2.18am,
Dear Anonymous 2.18am,
1。2007年10月开张,2008年7月收档,九个月没拿粮?老板没粮拿? 总结算下来,10个月总共收了550名会员,550会员位位RM 1,188,实际收入RM 653,400.
每个月维持费用RM 30,000左右,十个月共用了RM360,000.
对呀,如果口口声声说被骗了,怎会在前一晚,毫无疑义还在笑,难道阿伦是在发梦时周公根他说自己被骗。一大早,在天还未亮,鬼鬼祟祟把通告贴上? 律师是在KL的不是吗?还可飞到KL 听律师放狗屁,真是利害。
I am working in the developer company that build the shops that yoga club rented.
Alan knows my boss very well and he also helps us to rent some shops out. He rented his shop at one of the best rate, whole block only RM 3,000 per month.
I remember he told my boss that there will be change of management in July ( I think he refers to the suddenly close down ) and ask my boss not to worry as he will continue to pay the rental even though he doesn't operate for 2 weeks. He somemore say that is his plan. I didn't lie, and I'm not tj, I don't even know who is tj even though I'm the member at yoga club last time.
I feel so guilty cause I actually know the true, but cannot tell, if not I will lose my job. But one thing I must do at least, to write here to let everybody know.
I am working in the developer company that build the shops that yoga club rented.
Alan knows my boss very well and he also helps us to rent some shops out. He rented his shop at one of the best rate, whole block only RM 3,000 per month.
I remember he told my boss that there will be change of management in July ( I think he refers to the suddenly close down ) and ask my boss not to worry as he will continue to pay the rental even though he doesn't operate for 2 weeks. He somemore say that is his plan. I didn't lie, and I'm not tj, I don't even know who is tj even though I'm the member at yoga club last time.
I feel so guilty cause I actually know the true, but cannot tell, if not I will lose my job. But one thing I must do at least, to write here to let everybody know.
annoymous 9.38..
is that true????
raelly ar???
and bout the deepak 1?
Alan is a LIAR!he told members he rented the shop lot at RM4,000!
Deepak definitly like that!play boy!
5。TJ没有理会你?哎哟!阿伦和瘟疫,你以为TJ是你乳娘吗?要别人怎么理会你?一天喂奶三餐吗?“昂姑姑,昂姑姑。。。”的红你入睡不成?licensing计划书里面清楚列出公司所有的SOP (standard operatins procedures ),你英文差不要紧,可是你心肠坏,乱乱骗才是死路一条啊!
wah.... i really first time know all bout this leh..
especially deepak 1.. really make me @.@
bout namaster yoga. is it really good. my friend who went there before, said the lady boss macam not interested to teach them 1 wo
bout the deepak 1,yes,it is true!u guys please dont believe his flower story.
Dear ccmalaka,
This evening i went to Namaste Yoga at Semabok Perdana.i attended Sunny's(the boss) really good!!!you can go and try.check the schedule at
one more thing,Sunny really better than Alan!from the way he demo,explain to members,he really better than Alan!really!
dear hearbeat 119,
is his class very pack??
last time i asked him whether we need to book just like yogazone.
he said his student alot. so depends on situation.
and we need to pay rm40 as registration fees right. i scared if it is not suitable for me than rn 40 just gone with the wind
hey dear yoga members , its deepak ,yoga teacher now in india , i just read this because my friend told me about my name there .dears im also a victim like all of you , i did nt get my three month salary , ok and i dont know any story about alan or tj yeh , allan help me that is true , when there was no place to live in kl i was out of appartment , he gave me place to live . and i did nt play with any girl heart ok and what is your defination about a play boy. ha ha ha a guy who respect all , feel that all old , young or childerns , guy or girl all are the part of beautifull world and all are human being ,im not belong to any religion , ima human being and my religion is humanity , so is humanity , love to all to repet all , is a defination of play boy, talk to all yoga members in kl or melaka . did i say any wrong word to any one .did i play to any heart , or i told lie to some one . i was true from my inner and iam . i did nt cheat anyone . who is the person who is talking all about this , did i give any problem to you , so plz im sorry for that , but i dont know . if unknowingly any time i gave any heart problem to u plz forgive me , but tell your name plz , i lost my money in malaysia and my pay . and tried to give happiness to all my students and you can tal;k to kl members , i spend my own money for the taxi to give them clasees and i gave without any expectation , that it is my love towards the students , is this is the defination of a play boy , then yes , im a play boy , thanx for this word, my best wishes are with u , may god bless u and give happiness to u and all . love for u ,ha ha ha ha DEEP.its a great reward foe my heartly service to malaysia,and whom i give flower story , i relly wana know im also courious now , ha ha ha
Dear ccmalaka,
Not to worry,his class is quite spacious.i didn't make any reservation before i go.actually i join membership at the new AirKeroh outlet,and have my first lesson there which is under the lady boss.
Yesterday i suddenly feel like want to try Sunny's class because my friend told me his class is good.Turns out to be true!
And yes,registration fees is RM40 for whole life.but i think is ok loh...
Don't worry his class is not suitable for you,if last time you can accept Lily's gentle flow or Deepak's Hatha 1,then im sure you will like Sunny's class!One more thing,actually Alan was Sunny's student.
i just went there twice.maybe next month i will join unlimited classes which is RM98/month or RM260/3months.
i have all the answer with me and im not coward im writing my name and giving answers , and the person who wrote these beautifull words for me , plz can tell me what is your name ,plz come at the front and talk to me , and if you want front of all yoga members of melaka we can talk , debat on me openly , i can come to malaysia for clarify.and i love melaka members and kl members ,how you can say that i did nt respect them , give me one name of that person , whom i gave problem or derespect , i will definately come to malaysia front of all yoga members of melaka or kl , im ready to face u , are u ready? plz give love to this beautifull world , im a lover , lover of this world , even who are u i dont know , but im laughing on this metter ,im not angry on u , my love is for u , also ,without any expectation, but plz look at your inner and then talk , did i give any problem to any person in malaysia , if stiil you beleve yes , then im readdy to come on my knees and sorry , i dont know what mistake i did , but im sorry for really forgive me , if unknowingly i gave problem to any melaka or kl member.i appologies for message for my life is only one be happy and give happiness to the world.
still all the flower words...back to india and dont come back again lah...
shut up!MR.DEEPAK!stop all the crap,nothing different now!what you have done will turn back to you!dont think you have sooooooo many admirer.everybody has woke up,you should too!
namaskar deepak,i'm the guy who in the front row in ur pranayama class at cheras..just want to say hello to u.....ah lee yo
Deepak,why you are so worry?hmm...?who you think you are?GOD OF YOGA?GOD OF HAPPINESS?stop all the BULL SHIT!everybody already know your story.only you yourself still burying in your own world keeps on saying you are giving love and happiness to everybody!nobody need your love and can bring back to your india!save your energy to ask all the stupid questions!nobody will give you the answer!
wohhhh thats cool miss anonymous , ha ha ha ha h, i think i really did something wrong with u , really sorry ,did i do something with u ? hmmmmm , if u can tell your name dear miss anonymous atleast i can remember what i did,but its ok la ,LETS ASIDE THIS METTER, how is your yoga practice is going . should be good now , because the person you hate is not there ,so be happy and cheers . and if ur from melaka plz celebrate this moment in my favoutite geographer bar , i really love to drink beer and dance there , im not there other wise we can go together , but not to worry la sweety i will back to melaka for a project ,so hope to see u there , you r really good , you did hard research on me and my behaviour , i really like this and really like u now miss anonymous , thanx sweety , hope to have one drink with u together ha ha ha always be happy .good and bad are the part of life , im really enjoying u carry on ,love .best wishes and regards for u ,dear miss ANONYMOUS
Liar Deepak! Only Alan helped you meh? When you back to kl after malacca closure, every two days SMS TJ and tell him no money to have food, many mnay times TJ passed you RM 200 personally at plaza damas! until few thousands ringgit. Seems like you must be eating a lot, almost RM 100 per day. Then you tld that your brother need to pay school fees and asked for another RM 1,200, Tj also borrowed the money from me to pay you cause he "thought" that you are a good man. So how saying you now, Mr. Good-for-nothing? Don't twist and and turn the facts! You won't want all the SMS to be revealed here, if you say anything beyond the fact! God of Yoga? Wa ha ha ha! Ghost of Yoga, maybe.
我和太太相信yoga zone的瑜伽学习精神超过3年了,对tj的信任是不曾改变的,那些想设计害人的,别得意太早,人生是一条长长的路,终点和驿站要分清楚。
TJ, 这是一场持久战,我对你有信心,记得不要操之过急,静下心来,以牙还牙,卧薪尝胆是甘苦的,那只是对你的一种训练,让你在历练上磨的更光滑通透。
To my dearest DEEPAK ,
I've seen wat you have to say .........WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!!!!
I know what you have done idiot...let me tell you a bed time story ,It's "The Little Red Riding Hood" story. Once upon a time there was a group of yoga girls who named themself Little Red Riding Hoods , they just wanted to go visit their grandma ,Yoga .A wolf name DEEPAK saw the opportunity and wanted to bang all of the girls "IT" could nail.( what an animal !!!)And of course he went to grandma YOGA and swallow her and "IT" disguise as a Pure Hearted Grandma YOGA ,he tried to "nail" all the innocent Little Red Riding Hood , but a Hunter whose name is " KICK YOUR ASS "( Me )Gunned that Son Of a Bitch damn wolf down , and the saved grandma YOGA and all the Little Red Riding Hoods. Everybody lived happily ever after. So DEEP-SHIT ,dont come back to Malaysia , or i'll skin you alive once again!!!
wow , thats grat, many well wishers are coming ha ha ha , dear dr,m ,if there is a question of thanks , im thankfull all yoga members of kl and melaka and im thankfull to u also , you gave your time to comment on me ,bad or good is not a big deal atleast you gave time and im thankfull to miss anonymous too for this and dear m you are forgetting one entry , he gave me 800 rm one time too so total is 2500 rm he gave me , and you are too kind you gave money to tj to help me , thanx now check my balancetowards yoga zone ok dear,,, three month salary +over time +the money i paid to taxi some time + they deduct 1400 rm from my salary too , so my balance is towards yogazone is near about16000rm and sorry in my contract they have to pay me my return ticket too soo near about 17000rm , and dear you gave only 2500 rm so you r so kind hearted my dear im in hope you will send me the balance also , and that money , really i gave my hard work and sweat for that h ha ha, so hope if you really kind hearted i will send u my account number , hope you will send me balance behalf of tj , im not in hate with tj ,im not hate with any one , but the fact is this that money was my right and still i have balance , so what do u think , and im thankfull to yoga members of kl and melaka , because it was hard to survive there in those conditions without help , every person helped me there, and i will be thankfull always to really malaysian yoga members , it was such a beautifull experience to be with all of u dear mr, m and because of tj i met all ,bcos he contracted me from india so special thanx for him .but dont forget,
and mr. kick you ass ha ha ha, you r realy funny , you saved all the girls from me , you are really a good guy and i accept that im a bad guy , and you kicked me out from malaysia . but your kick was not too hard ha ha ha h, bcos im coming back to malaysia with another company so be ready to save again , i will give you one more chance to be a saviour , ok la al al alla , i really love this la la to so love to u also take care hope to see u again
and mr. kick your ass , may i know your name , you can say me any thing what you want , but you use the word on my mother , you hate me say any thing , but its request plz it hurts , i respect women and mother is the other name of god , i respect whole humanity , i respect u ,but plz hope you will understand , if u are a women then i think you can feel what should be the respect towards a mother,even you are really in enemity with me , i cant say any bad word to your mother she will be respectfull fo me ,and really in my life you r the person who hurt me to use the word on my mother , so you r successfull in your work , but im praying to u and touching your feets plz dont use that thing again , i can request only , its up to u , but plz im begging for that , love and regards for u
I believe our malaysian made Deepak to be the wolf with so much of praises which got into his head. He might have been looking good but that does not mean anything when you are there, only for yoga. I even remembered the Melaka and Klang members talking so much about his yoga dance and other things about the wolf. Please kick the bloody ass of our malaysian first and this should be a good lesson to all of you.
Hi Deep,
Someone told me you were here so i thought may be i can drop you a note.
I think you can remember me. I organized a private class for a group of dancers at KL before you left for Melaka. After the class, I have also drove your back to Damas with my colleague and friend. I have also requested for a Bollywood dance private class to be used for my coming performance.
By the way, I was chatting with Pari 2 weeks ago. He told me he has just got your sms so I joking told him to remind you of the bollywood songs compilation (CD) that you were supposed to copy me. Has Pari contacted you while his trip back to India lately?
Please do contact me if you are coming back to Malaysia. If you are not, is there any possibility for you to choreography, video tape a sequences of variation and copy me.
We were still joking on those steps you have taught us... Maria.. slapping of the face... that was real fun in your class!
You may reach me through Pari.
To Deepak ,
What word and which sentence did i mentioned your mother , bringing up your name is already a pain in the ass ,
why do you think i still want to bring your mom into the picture!Moms are all very holy !Read properly ,again and again english is already simple enough and you still cant understand a damn word i are one real sad story ,man...!!!Simple english you cant understand why want to come teach yoga , giving all the wrong instructions.....real DEEP-SHIT!By the way you dont need to know who am i....cause it doesnt make a damn difference at all!!! Of course you can continue with all your holy you are and how forgiving you are.....the next time you screw with someone's wife or girlfriend , you'll be begging for their forgiveness or MERCY ,i wonder why till now no one gave you a piece of their mind!No one can stop you from coming back to Malaysia but let me tell you this , you have failed as a YOGA GURU cause you do not practice YOGA SPIRIT !!!You are such an ass ,You Suck !!! If you still cant understand my simple english , write back to me ...i'll buy you a big Webster dictionary , and a language translater book or something for you!!! Your answer will probably be " OK buy me one set and thank you very much ".Dream on darling think i care ....!!!Here's my tought now.....emmmm.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OH..WHO GIVES A RAT'S ASS ABOUT YOU !!!
kick ur ass
dear anonymous , you know me very well , and about my answer too.yes definatly , send me dictionary,thanx , take care ,hmmmm , when i was student in kdham , there was a subject yoga and pshychology, from your words i can feel you were in deep connection with me and now you have turned to another way , according to human pshycology , hate and love are the two sides of the coin,if you r in love it has to be turn some time into love and if hate may be it can be turn into love , so not to worry process has started , and i feel realy you need love really so much love , because the language you r using is really full with frustration , im really worried about u, really worried , i dont know you r a guy or girl , so go for girlfriend or boyfriend , who can give you love , or do meditation , with meditation you can feel the inner love , really you need to love someone or you need someone to love you, i will pray for u.i cant say any bad word to u its against the humanity , i learn two thing from buddha , compassion and love and ,im really feeling more love towards you , why you r in so much hate and frustration, bcos they r giving problem to ur inner and first you r hurting yourself with this and then you r writing , for me im ok my remote control is in my hand not in your hand ,you cant give me any problem but im worried about u , thats true .and forgive me if unknowingly i hurt u,bcos with the forgiveness you can feel the peace , and im friend of all , all world and existence is my friend and you r part of this existence , thats why i wana you happy and peace full , no body can away from me two things , my peace and love towards all world and that love is without any expectation , may god give u peace , happiness and all the good things of this world , love DEEP
hi mrs.fue , how ru , im good , i will call to my friend , she has all the songs with her and video too , she will call you and gave you both, sorry after that there was no time to gave you any class , bos there was no place to stay in kl , hope u will understand , i really enjoyed that class , dance with all dancers , beautifull experience , take care i will inform you when i will come , regards DEEP
and mr.kick you ass , its ok you r saying me many things but dont say about malaysian . malaysians are really beautifull peoples and u r also a malaysian , and i have really great respect for maslaysian in my heart.i love malaysia and malaysians , take care love and regards for all
Hi Deep,
Thanks for your reply.
We have contacted each other and in the midst of to meet and collecting the AV copies.
hi fune , its great you got her , i also called her about this , after talking to u .im sending u my email add here , if u have any other question you can contact me , my id is , enjoy the bollywood music . take care ,best wishes and regards
Please be informed that Health innovative zone is a partnership, they have unlimited liabilities towards all members/claimants against him.
Did anyone realized??? the new operator for your yoga class is now called Yogaland "sdn. bhd."?
For those members who have not claim for their rights against Health innovative zone... please be patient! Reserve your rights, don't compromise with the health innovative zone partners because they have to pay you.
Just prepare the following:
1) retain the proof if you pay to health innovative zone, obtained evidence for your payment(cheque) and locate your receipt ;
I will inform dear students on the timing for the submission of your claim and how....... just remember not to compromise with the health innovative partners. they have unlimited liabilities against the claimant, that is ALL OF YOU provided you pay to health innovative zone.